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    Frequently Asked Question

    Why do I need dental checkups? I haven’t had a cavity in years.
    Even if you are past the cavity-prone years, regular dental checkups should be part of your preventive dental care. This is true regardless of your age. Along with brushing and flossing, dental checkups rank #1 in importance for maintaining your dental health.

    During a dental checkup, your teeth will be examined, cleaned and polished. Screening for oral cancer is another benefit of regular dental checkups, as early diagnosis can save your life. As well, since the early symptoms of gum disease are not always obvious, your gums will be checked. This part of the dental checkup is especially important in adulthood when teeth are more often lost to gum disease than to tooth decay.

    The aim of the dental checkup is to prevent the development of potential problems and to treat any existing problems before they become more serious.

    How often should I have a dental checkup?
    The frequency of your dental checkups will depend on many factors. As a general rule, dental checkups are recommended every 6 months. However, you may require them less or more often depending on your age, your diet, your rate of plaque buildup or any existing dental or medical problems you may have.

    Do I need dental X-Rays?
    Research has shown that the benefit of dental X-Rays outweighs their risks. Dental X-Rays are often the only way to diagnose decay between teeth or detect hidden problems, such as, gum disease, cysts, abscesses, tumors or impacted wisdom teeth. When you receive dental X-Rays, in our office we only use digital radiography that minimizes the amount of your x-ray exposure by 90%.

    How can you brighten your smile?
    Do you have a special engagement, or are you getting married? Whatever the reason, tooth bleaching isn’t just for the movie stars, and it isn’t just for one day. Many people have had their teeth whitened, and probably millions more are thinking about it. Many people have a desire to whiten their teeth in a safe manner. Under the supervision of your dentist, you can have your teeth whitened.

    There are two methods with which you can whiten teeth.

    1. Laser Whitening
      Your teeth are whitened in one visit at the dental office using a high intensity light.
    2. Home whitening
      A custom mouth guard type appliance is fabricated for your mouth. Into this appliance you will dispense the agent that whitens your teeth. By being able to do this at home, you will have the ability to control the rate at which you whiten.

    Why should you save your tooth instead of extracting it?
    One should generally avoid extracting their permanent teeth. If a tooth is extracted, the teeth in front, behind, and above or below will encroach upon the space. The spacing of the mouth will change. As well, the tongue may grow into the space of the missing teeth and the jaw could be affected. This could lead to pain in the joints.

    What are Porcelain Veneers?
    Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin laminates of porcelain that are bonded to the front of teeth. The veneers allow the dentist to change the colour an/or the shape of the teeth. They are the best in cosmetic dentistry.

    What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
    People who choose cosmetic dental procedures for various reasons-
    To repair a defect such as malformed bite or crooked teeth, to treat an injury, or to just improve their overall appearance. For these and many other reasons, cosmetic dentistry has become a vital and important part of the dental profession and one of the fastest growing areas of dentistry. For example, tooth-whitening procedures have tripled over the past five years.

    What is tooth decay?
    Plaque is one of the biggest causes for tooth decay. It also causes your gums to become irritated, inflamed, and in some cases, bleed. Over time, the decay process may cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, a condition called receding gums. In addition, the long-term decay process can lead to infections in your gums and can eat away at the bone structures under the teeth.

    What is a dental implant?
    Before development of dental implants, dentures were the only alternative to replacing a missing tooth or teeth. Implants are synthetic structures that are placed in the area of the tooth normally occupied by the root. Implants are anchored to the jawbone or metal framework on the bone and act as a foundation for an artificial tooth or permanent bridge. In some cases, implants can be used to attach dentures.